
Just a personal blog of random thoughts and spewage.


Last time I updated, I was in the process of figuring out the next PC upgrade. Decided I did not want the hassle this time of building my own so I bought the bullet and purchased a new system from Sony. My new VAIO RA803G is quite fast and quite quiet. I like! Unfortunatly, Joani bought one as well and hers went KABOOM!!11!! After the 2 to 3 hour hassle on the phone with support (hold times were rediculous) and the drones can only follow a form, they sent a tech out who tried, but failed to be able to fix it. Had replacement parts shipped to him, then went on vacation and his buddy took over for a day, it blew up again, then the original guy came back and worked on it some more and it smoked again. They finally agreed to send her a box to ship it back. So Sony is batting .500 in the Edens household and that is not a good thing.

The latest buzz site of the minute among the sphere of thought on the net that is pale people would be Flickr. I may post a few pics, I am going to for sure let my sister know about it so she can give it a go if she wants.


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