
Just a personal blog of random thoughts and spewage.


Quick general update.

I added a few new blogs to the links on the right. They are all blogs by folks who have worked on DnD over the years. Bruce Cordell linked to them in his blog in refrence to the book Wizards of the Coast published recently. It's supposed to be a history of the last 30 years in DnD. /. posted a review that trashed it nicely.

Click on Whatever over there while you are looking around, my friend John is posting his new baby girl's life for the world to see :) I wonder what she'll think about that when she is old enough to know what that means !

I recently was given an explanation for the thinking behind sympathy blinkers mentioned in a previous entry. While well thought out, as are most things this friend has to say, I still fail to see how brake lights just don't suffice.

It has been nearly two months since getting married and all is just as good if not better than before ! Now if I could just get my job to go back to being as enjoyable as it was 6 moths ago. I am sure there will be some posts comming down about the crap flowing from the place that writes the checks soon.


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