
Just a personal blog of random thoughts and spewage.


Big news.

Joani and I are getting married :)
We are going to do the deed in New Orleand October 15th in Artilery Park. Should be a very nice ceremony pretty much just for us. I have a few on line friends having a get together there and since we were going and it is a place we both like, we thought it would be the perfect place to make it official!!

So, as part of my job I drive. Alot. Pretty much every day. Maybe 45,000 miles since I started in Novemeber. Driving everyday you encounter all sorts of idiots. Some big, some small. This rant is about what I call the sympathy blinker. I am not sure at what point this practice started, but it is spreading like a plague and someone needs to find a cure. A person afflicted with this malady will use their turn signal because the person in front of them has flipped theirs on. The person who is ACTUALLY turning does so, and then the sypmathjy blinker turns his or hers off and continues going STRAIGHT. They call it a turn signal for a freakin reason. It means YOU are planning on turning. I am sure their are some occassions when this practice is dangerous, but more often than not it is just pointless and gets under my skin.

Did I mention I am getting married in less than a month :) That is a good thing, and all the sympathy blinkers in the world can't bring me down!


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