
Just a personal blog of random thoughts and spewage.


So I was considering Mutable Realms concept for their game Wish a bit more. They are coining it a UMMORPG because it is supposed to essentially be one world for ALL players. This is a very good idea. Not just because it is a new idea, but because it fixes something that bugs me about EQ. If you know me, I have been playing EQ for about 3 years now. One of the things that bugs me about the game and even more so now, with their recent press release about paid character transfers to other servers with equipment is your reputation can essentially be wiped when you jump servers. I like the idea of having an identity associated with a name. Sure some player can have multiple characters and I assume this will be the case in Wish. But there have to be allowances made for roleplaying. However if someone does something excessivly dastardly and then later changes their character name or moves to a different server that reputation is wiped nearly clean. One server, one world.. I like the idea of that just fine.


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