
Just a personal blog of random thoughts and spewage.


The Fog

In 1980 I was a kid who could walk around 10 blocks in a small town to a movie theatre to see the one movie they were showing that week. It was a cool little theatre, had a balcony which was closed by the time I was old enough to get up there. Saw many a great old horror movie there, several of them by John Carpenter. They even had Jamie Lee Curtis in a couple of them. Well on the night I went to see The Fog, I met a friend there and the movie was amazing. Honestly it had a pretty good story for a horror movie, moral issues all sorts o stuff. I did not get that at the time, little to young to worry about the stuff then, I just got a charge out of the effects and tension. What really shot me through the roof on the movie was the walk home. Ya see when we walked out of the theatre it was foggy as hell. The only other time something like that happened was when myself and three friends drove to a neighboring city to see Children of the Corn and my Cutlass Supreme blew a radiator hose on a back round in a corn field of course. It is great how you get that irrational jolt of adrenalin or whatever when things like that happen. To bad I'm old and cynical/rational now. The only jolt of adrenaline like that you can get in life at this age is from some moron running a red light and nearly killing you at an intersection or forcing you off the road because he is talking on his cellphone.

Well the spark that brought all this back is the remake of The Fog that hits this weekend, here is hoping it doesn't suck and some kids gets freaked out walking home somewhere.


  • At 11/10/05 3:18 PM, Blogger Dave said…

    Thought about that when they were talking about those attacks this summer. Figured you were not being a dork so did not worry. My attitude about that sort of thing is if your gonna die, death will find a way no matter what you do.


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