
Just a personal blog of random thoughts and spewage.


Entertainment weekend

Went to an old school concert Thursday night in Nashville. The concert was Queensryche : Operation Mindcrime at the Ryman which is the original Grand Ole Opry. The show was quite good and the Ryman is a great place to see a show. We were in the cheap seats and you are still very close to the action and sound is awesome. The only bad thing with Concerts in Nashville is they are always in the middle of the week. Nashville is roughly 1 1/2 to 2 hours away. So it is a late night deal and I am usually beat the next day. Joani pretty much refuses to go to another one during the week.

Part two of the weekend was Serenity! Was released Friday and we went to the Saturday early show. Very good movie, I was not disappointed in much of anything other than nit picky things. The IMPORTANT part of the movie was the acting and story and that hit on all cylinders.


  • At 3/10/05 9:22 PM, Blogger Dave said…

    We just about don't go to movies anymore either. Was just really looking forward to this one and wanted to see it now rather than later. Everything else we see on DVD pretty much.

    As for concerts, whole different ball of wax there. That is an actual performance and provided they don't just suck you can't beat that. Jam bands like Dave Mathews, Rush, Phish, Pink Floyd, etc are must see live acts. Very sorry I am gonna miss the Black Crows this Thursday.


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