
Just a personal blog of random thoughts and spewage.


Another google map hack

UFO Sightnings I like these things, hope they keep coming until the spammers figure out a way to abuse it somehow.

Yeah I know..

After dropping playing my first character except on raids, I have been pushing to level my trouby to get him to raid level in EQ2. Almost there. Should have went with a bard class right out of the gate. It was what I liked in EQ1 but I wanted to try something fresh.


Rest in Peace Keith Parkinson (1958-2005)

In Memorandum: Keith Arlin Parkinson October 22, 1958 - October 26, 2005

October 27th, 2005 Update: The fantasy art world, family and friends have lost one of the all time greats - Mr. Keith Arlin Parkinson. Keith's wife Donna has informed us that shortly after 4:00pm PST on Wednesday October 26th Keith peacefully passed away, surrounded by his loving family. Keith had been battling Leukemia for the past 16 months. Keith fought the good fight every step of the way and at one point he had it beat. At that point, we all thought he was in the clear and we were even talking about him attending Gen Con Indy 2006 to build up his immune system with all the lovely sights and smells that tend to rear up at Gen Con. But it came back hard and in the end it was more than his body could handle.


Google - Seven Dead

Came up with this link when I googled Seven Dead

Lots going on

To start off. I'll be starting a new job November 7th. Looking forward to being a real employee of a company where whatever contributions I make have the potential to be recognized, not to mention actually getting benefits and such. Was getting a little burned out putting an average of 1000 miles a week in drive time too. New job will be doing support for a big company under contract with a bigger company :)

While I was doing all that driving I started listening to podcasts once or twice a week. Thought I would list the ones I liked and would feel comfortable passing on.

TWiT This Week in Tech - Some of the folks from TechTV, excellent production values, good most of the time except when Dvorak mouths off excessivly.

Security Now - Most concise, informative podcast in the list, it is a spin off from TWiT and related to all things security and your computer. 30 minutes long and worth every tick of the clock.

Geek Foo Action Grip - Gaming, writing, essay, SciFi, etc. Is a fun listen, Mur Lafferty writes for the gaming industry and also has a spin off podcast called I Should be Writing that does not have as much bang for the buck for me but I listen just the same.

I subscribe to these through ITunes, but there are plenty of other ways to get them. I'll post about some video, what will probably come to be known as IPTV, later but for now I need to comment on production quality on podcasts. Some of the just really SUCK. You have to ownder if the folks making them even bother listening to them before they post them for download. I'll also post a few names later of shows I listen to (sometimes grudgingly) but the content is often good, and I force myself to get over the fact these folks don't know what a fucking sound level is.

The city whacked down 3 trees in our front yard after butchering them because they had overgrown the power lines. Getting some extra light in the yard now which is kinda weird but we'll get used to it. Not looking forward to grinding those stumps, that is for sure!



Used to live in Toledo, OH and very possibly in this neighborhood my first year of college. Seems things got out of hand when the Nazi's tried to start something. Once in a while they actually pull it off, damn degenerate inbred turds.


The Fog

In 1980 I was a kid who could walk around 10 blocks in a small town to a movie theatre to see the one movie they were showing that week. It was a cool little theatre, had a balcony which was closed by the time I was old enough to get up there. Saw many a great old horror movie there, several of them by John Carpenter. They even had Jamie Lee Curtis in a couple of them. Well on the night I went to see The Fog, I met a friend there and the movie was amazing. Honestly it had a pretty good story for a horror movie, moral issues all sorts o stuff. I did not get that at the time, little to young to worry about the stuff then, I just got a charge out of the effects and tension. What really shot me through the roof on the movie was the walk home. Ya see when we walked out of the theatre it was foggy as hell. The only other time something like that happened was when myself and three friends drove to a neighboring city to see Children of the Corn and my Cutlass Supreme blew a radiator hose on a back round in a corn field of course. It is great how you get that irrational jolt of adrenalin or whatever when things like that happen. To bad I'm old and cynical/rational now. The only jolt of adrenaline like that you can get in life at this age is from some moron running a red light and nearly killing you at an intersection or forcing you off the road because he is talking on his cellphone.

Well the spark that brought all this back is the remake of The Fog that hits this weekend, here is hoping it doesn't suck and some kids gets freaked out walking home somewhere.


First coffee, now us.

Sweden, home to ABBA and the Stockholm syndrome have a new method to handle the mortal remains of your loved ones.


Emo reblogged

Emo Phillips was a comic with a weird image. Not sure if he was doing a male Judy Tenudo or vice versa. One of his jokes was recently voted the funniest religious joke of all time. Go read this article why it even came up. People are fucking rediculous.


Entertainment weekend

Went to an old school concert Thursday night in Nashville. The concert was Queensryche : Operation Mindcrime at the Ryman which is the original Grand Ole Opry. The show was quite good and the Ryman is a great place to see a show. We were in the cheap seats and you are still very close to the action and sound is awesome. The only bad thing with Concerts in Nashville is they are always in the middle of the week. Nashville is roughly 1 1/2 to 2 hours away. So it is a late night deal and I am usually beat the next day. Joani pretty much refuses to go to another one during the week.

Part two of the weekend was Serenity! Was released Friday and we went to the Saturday early show. Very good movie, I was not disappointed in much of anything other than nit picky things. The IMPORTANT part of the movie was the acting and story and that hit on all cylinders.