
Just a personal blog of random thoughts and spewage.


Just posted this idea on Nerfbat's forums.

It would be really interesting to see a game where the indivdual player could build a fighting force as part of his character advancement. The turn based and RTS genre's have added some character advancement to give their games a little more flair. How about a game where as your character advances you gain the ability to comand troops (npc troops) Character advancement would open more command skills and a wider variety of troop types, etc.

Look at a miniature table top game like Confrontation, Warhammer 40K, or Warmachine. All started out as squad based games, then later added mass combat "expansion rules" for large forces.

The potential for this type of game is really pretty amazing, one of the staples is squad vs squad combat. How about a pvp instance where you and an oponent enter a scenario type instance and instead of killing some boss mob the victor wins some tangeable prize at the end, whether it be an exp bonus, a chance a loot table for the scenario, or some title in an inspectable journal, possibly a medal or something. (One of the things I noticed when I beta'd Auto Assault)

Sure something like this has the potential of exploits, several spring to mind right away, would just have to police it with a few mechanics ( I know easier said than done), put lockouts, etc.

Thread at Nerfbat's forums


  • At 8/5/06 2:08 PM, Blogger Dave said…

    That would be quite cool and actually Eve-Online is pretty close to a persistant world evniroment. I played it for the 14 day free trial and if I was starting anew game with no cares in the world I would probably play it quite a lot.


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