I am currently giving Magnatune a try, listening to their streaming content. It is pretty nice. I'll post more thoughts after I have had a chance to shake them out a tad more.
It looks like winter is really here in Alabama. Kinda cold, rainy and the millions of leaves are falling out of my trees.
Back when I first picked this domain name and was talking to a friend about things to put up here it was suggested I do searches on the words "Seven Dead" and post links to some good finds. Well today is my first run of this and whew it's a good one. Seems those wacky Indians (the ones in India) are getting picked off by aliens. Cjeck it out
At least seven dead in reported UFO attacks in India
A while back I picked up a bad habit of placing spaces one character early while typing. I find this extremely annoying and have as yet been unable to sop doing it, bu tit makes for some very interesting typos.