
Just a personal blog of random thoughts and spewage.


Well after searching for 6 months, stressing, wondering what the hell was going on, etc. I finally got a new job. Quest Diagnostics deemed me worthy to put to work. Actually, I'll be working under contract for TekSystems. Pretty darned excited as you can well imagine. Traing starts Monday.

I am currently giving Magnatune a try, listening to their streaming content. It is pretty nice. I'll post more thoughts after I have had a chance to shake them out a tad more.


So I was considering Mutable Realms concept for their game Wish a bit more. They are coining it a UMMORPG because it is supposed to essentially be one world for ALL players. This is a very good idea. Not just because it is a new idea, but because it fixes something that bugs me about EQ. If you know me, I have been playing EQ for about 3 years now. One of the things that bugs me about the game and even more so now, with their recent press release about paid character transfers to other servers with equipment is your reputation can essentially be wiped when you jump servers. I like the idea of having an identity associated with a name. Sure some player can have multiple characters and I assume this will be the case in Wish. But there have to be allowances made for roleplaying. However if someone does something excessivly dastardly and then later changes their character name or moves to a different server that reputation is wiped nearly clean. One server, one world.. I like the idea of that just fine.


A couple of weeks ago I signed up for the beta of another MMORPG called Wish. Actually they are calling it a UMMORPG (Ultra Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). One reason I am fairly excited about this game is it is being developed here where I live. Kind of cool to have something like this springing up here in Huntsville. Their website is still fairly sketchy, they have a few screen shots that look nice, concept art and a movie. Their FAQ is also a bit thin. None the less I am still pretty interested. Hopefully I can particpate in this beta and get a feel for it. I have enjoyed the betas I have been a part of so far.

It looks like winter is really here in Alabama. Kinda cold, rainy and the millions of leaves are falling out of my trees.



Veterans Day here in the US today. Hope all those folks stationed in hot spots make it out safe. Not much else to go on about really so I give you another Seven Dead search result.


Here is something very very cool. Tactics Arena Online Darned amazing what can be done with Flash MX. I hope this guy makes some good money from this. I need to find the link to another web based game I used to play. Lost the link when I left my last job. Was great for passing time while doing late night server upgrades and such.


A quick link to start off the day, Megaman.


We picked up a new book on PHP and SQL today and so far (read about 30 pages of it) it seems pretty good. Like the pace, formating and such. I may post a mini/tiny/micro review of it for the fun of it later after I have had a chance to actually use it to learn something.

Back when I first picked this domain name and was talking to a friend about things to put up here it was suggested I do searches on the words "Seven Dead" and post links to some good finds. Well today is my first run of this and whew it's a good one. Seems those wacky Indians (the ones in India) are getting picked off by aliens. Cjeck it out

At least seven dead in reported UFO attacks in India

A while back I picked up a bad habit of placing spaces one character early while typing. I find this extremely annoying and have as yet been unable to sop doing it, bu tit makes for some very interesting typos.