
Just a personal blog of random thoughts and spewage.


Gadget reblog

Ok, this seems like a quite handy idea for many reasons, and it ain't that 'spensive.

Side note, do to my having to delete one spam post to the blog I am going to disable annon posting of comments. Sorry to my anon posters.


Space Elevator Gets FAA Lift

First time I heard about this company, Bruce Cordell had blogged them. Good to see they are making some progress.

LifePort has received approval from the FAA to test its space elevator prototype. In early fall, a balloon will carry a elevator ribbon up to a mile high. Robotic lifters will then crawl up and down the cable testing the feasibility of the project.

read more | digg story



Now for something a bit more useful. Self publishing has finally become a reality and the risk to you is next to nil. Check out Lulu if you haven't already. Esentially you upload a file and when someone orders a copy of your book they print it and ship it. So simple for the enduser it is scary :)


A little friday humor.

And this widget is to be taken as funny as well. Even more funny are the people who get bent out of shape down in the comments. My EQ1 message boards used to get spammed once in a while by a russian bride post. I suspect there are bots that troll for boards and post randomly. The follow up replies to those threads are classic.

I swear these posts to my blog would be much better if I had a waterproof terminal in the shower or a stenographer to ride around with me while a drive to appointments.


Haven't felt much like posting anything for a few days. First it was hurricane info overload and you can get as much info as you can stnad everywhere else about that. I will say that we hope folks get settled and returned to some sort of normalized way of life as soon as possible.

The brings me to something quite annoying in blogs and it is something all the more annoying because I do it too. Reblogging. I myself don't feel so bad because not that many folks read my page. I am getting hits from some odd places but still a hit or two a day does not make me feel like I am wasting anyones time when I reblog something.

I read a few gadget sites and you are pretty much sure to see something posted on 2 out of 3 and if it gets two it will get the 3rd in a day or so. Same thing goes for some of the MMPORPG blogs. Heck it even has a tendancy to cross games sometimes. I read a couple WoW sites, some EQ2 sites (thats the one I play) and then a couple non-specific sites. Never fails one will post the "big story or controvercy" about the other game from time to time. I just sort of find it lame. They all read each other so they know it is already posted. Find something else to post or at least put a decent spin on it.

This brings me to another rant. How do the people at my work know when to send me out of town for a few days when it will effect my gaming the most. Happens every freakin time.