
Just a personal blog of random thoughts and spewage.


Track visitors to your website using Google Maps

Here is another one of those google map hacks. I am also messing with blogging from another site. Same blog service. Just doing it through a referential link from is the newest tool to make use of the Google Maps API. It allows bloggers - or anyone with a website - to track the locations of their visitors, and plot the results on a Google Map. It is free (donation driven) and you don't even need to register an email address.

read more | digg story


  • At 17/8/05 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just got the latest version of visual studio. I may have to play with that before I mess with my webpage very much.

  • At 17/8/05 7:21 PM, Blogger Dave said…

    Cool, let me know how you like it. I use ColdFusion Studio to do what little work I throw out right now.

  • At 19/8/05 2:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is a first class IDE. MS made some improvements. I like the dockable windows. They do better with the class parsing which gives you auto complete even if it is a template. I don't like the Class Wizard being removed. The class wizard functionality is spread out in new and different places. It has been easy to update old projects though. I haven't updated any DirectX yet...jury is still out. I'm thinking about writing an outlook companion app, but won't put in too much time until I finish my degree. I have 6.67 classes to do for my BSCS degree.


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