
Just a personal blog of random thoughts and spewage.


Saturday, and enough time for a post. After several times of remembering to check this out when I was nowhere near a computer, I went to woot. Looks like an interesting concept and when I see something that isn't a complete waste of time I'll buy something. The idea is they feature 1 thing at really low prices for 1 day then move on at midnight. Check it out and say something about it if ya want.

BTW, in case you haven't turned on TechTV in a while, DON'T. Unless you like Xplay or Judgment Day. Most other shows are complete ASS CRACK. I don't like what they did to the good and mediocre shows, they are now pretty much junk.

Mowed the yard for the first time this year, guess it is back to that chore again. (Should have done it last weekend btw) What amazes me each time i put it off is how little work it really is, why is that?


Last time I updated, I was in the process of figuring out the next PC upgrade. Decided I did not want the hassle this time of building my own so I bought the bullet and purchased a new system from Sony. My new VAIO RA803G is quite fast and quite quiet. I like! Unfortunatly, Joani bought one as well and hers went KABOOM!!11!! After the 2 to 3 hour hassle on the phone with support (hold times were rediculous) and the drones can only follow a form, they sent a tech out who tried, but failed to be able to fix it. Had replacement parts shipped to him, then went on vacation and his buddy took over for a day, it blew up again, then the original guy came back and worked on it some more and it smoked again. They finally agreed to send her a box to ship it back. So Sony is batting .500 in the Edens household and that is not a good thing.

The latest buzz site of the minute among the sphere of thought on the net that is pale people would be Flickr. I may post a few pics, I am going to for sure let my sister know about it so she can give it a go if she wants.