
Just a personal blog of random thoughts and spewage.


Well for the heck ot it I went back to Charles Stross's website cuz I thought it worth linking.
Was out looking for an old website I helped with a couple of years ago to see if it was still around. Sure enough still lives, sort of. I helped with some of the coldfusion programing in the background. The only contributions I made to content on the site were a couple of interviews. One with Bruce Cordell, and the other with Charles Stross. They were pretty fun at the time, was neat to talk to Charles and get his reaction to the evolution of things he created 20 years ago for DnD and find out what he was up to lately.


Well that was enough fooling around for today. Off to char some food and work out in the garage with some wood or something for a while.
Playing with templates and includes to get this working correctly. Don't be suprised if things look a bit wonky for a while.


Well I decided I better start updating this thing I call a website *gasp* So where better to start than a blog. I honestly haven't been doing much web wise for a while. I just started helping my girlfriend with a few little things for her site, Queen of Pentacles. Check it out, she has had it up for quite a while and has tons of info available there.

Yes I am still playing EQ but have that addiction fully under control now. Amazing what a good woman will do for you.

While I am throwing links around check this one out too. Very cool and worth toying with to amuse and educate.